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10. Summary judgment

TPR – Request for Admissions

Dane Co. DHS v. Kevin D., 2011AP2748, District 4, 2/2/12 court of appeals decision (1-judge, not for publication); for Kevin: Steven Zaleski; case activity Kevin’s failure to respond to the County requests for admission, § 804.11(2), led the trial court to deem those requests admitted, and then to grant summary judgment as to grounds based… Read more


TPR – Summary Judgment on Grounds

Rock Co. HSD v. Timothy F., 2011AP1354, District 4, 8/25/11 court of appeals decision (1-judge, not for publication); for Timothy F.: Carl W. Chessir; case activity The court rejects Timothy F.’s challenge to grant of summary judgment as to grounds for termination (abandonment, § 48.415(1)(a)2.): even if Timothy arguably had “good cause” for not visiting his… Read more


TPR – Partial Summary Judgment

Marathon County Dept. of Social Services v. Lorie O., 2010AP2351, District 3, 12/21/10 court of appeals decision (1-judge, not for publication); for Lorie O.: Leonard D. Kachinsky; case activity Summary judgment may be granted as to grounds for TPR, Steven V. v. Kelley H., 2004 WI 47, ¶6; but where the CHIPS order, on which… Read more


Nathan Y. v. Tarik T., 2010AP992, District IV, 10/7/10 court of appeals decision (1-judge, not for publication); for Tarik T.: Philip J. Brehm The court rejects the argument that under Steven V. v. Kelley H., 2004 WI 47, ¶36, summary judgment is inappropriate when the ground alleged is abandonment. ¶7        …  First, Steven V. explained that… Read more


State v. Jesenia R., 2009AP2906, District 1, 8/24/10 court of appeals decision (1-judge, not for publication); for Jesenia R.: Mary D. Scholle, SPD, Milwaukee Appellate No prejudice resulted from counsel’s failure to object to violation of the change-of-placement notice requirement in § 48.357. ¶¶15-16. The background is a bit fact-intensive. Roughly: The child (Elizabeth) had… Read more


Oneida Co. DSS v. Nicole W., 2007 WI 30, affirming unpublished decision Issue: Whether partial summary judgment against Nicole was properly granted under Wis. Stat. § 48.415(10) (prior involuntary TPR within 3 years) when the prior termination order was based on her default for failing to personally appear at the fact-finding hearing. Holding: ¶27 We… Read more


Oneida Co. DSS v. Nicole W., 2007 WI 30, affirming unpublished decision Issue: Whether partial summary judgment against Nicole was properly granted under Wis. Stat. § 48.415(10) (prior involuntary TPR within 3 years) when the prior termination order did not state the explicit § 48.415 ground relied on. Holding: ¶2 We conclude that Wis. Stat… Read more


State v. Bobby G., 2007 WI 77, reversing a summary order remanding the case to the court of appeals. Issue/Holding: ¶5 For the reasons set forth, we hold that in determining whether a party seeking termination of parental rights has proven by clear and convincing evidence that a biological father has failed to assume parental… Read more