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State v. Justin Dennis Krizan, 2022AP1341-CR, 3/4/25, District III  (1-judge decision, ineligible for publication), case activity Applying its recent holding in State v. Gore, 2025 WI App 11, ___ Wis. 2d ___, ___ N.W.3d ___ (see our post on Gore here), the COA concludes that Krizan’s consent to a blood draw was voluntary because he… Read more


Glossip v. Oklahoma, USSC No. 22-7466, 2/25/2025; Scotusblog page (with links to briefs and commentary) In a 5-3 defense win, the legal system finally yields to the prosecutor’s concession that Glossip is entitled to a new trial. Glossip was charged with capital murder in Oklahoma, under the theory that he had recruited another man, Sneed… Read more


State v. Martha R. Elsila, 2024AP1444-CR, 3/19/25, District II (1-judge decision, ineligible for publication); case activity COA affirms restitution order on appeal challenging witness’s credibility and claiming IAC.  COA deferred to the circuit court’s credibility determination given no evidence was presented to contradict witness, and found that appellant’s IAC claim was forfeited because it was… Read more


OLR v. Osman A. Mirza, 2023AP2369-D, February 27, 2025, (per curiam attorney discipline case) In a disciplinary case adjacent to criminal defense practice, SCOW clarifies the impact of having charges “read-in” for purposes of an OLR proceeding. As noted previously, this blog does not usually cover disciplinary cases. However, this case contains a helpful summary… Read more


State v. A.A.A., 2024AP2001, 3/12/25, District II (ineligible for publication); case activity COA affirmed the circuit court’s dispositional order placing juvenile in the Serious Juvenile Offender program at Copper Lake School, a Type I juvenile correctional facility for girls.  The Court rejected juvenile’s claim that such a placement was not permissible until the State builds… Read more


Seventh Circuit cases for February

February brought a handful of cases potentially relevant to our practice: United States of America v. Kendrick A. Frazier and Kenwyn Frazier, No. 23-2641 & 23-2642: In this appeal, the Court confronts an interesting Sixth Amendment claim, as both brothers wanted to be represented by the same attorney. The district court disallowed the joint representation based… Read more


State v. Catherine E. Edwards, 2023AP1042-CR, 3/6/25, District IV (not recommended for publication); case activity Edwards’s appeal focuses on the definition of “lewd exhibition of intimate parts” and the state’s closing arguments as to child pornography. COA rejects Edwards’s arguments on appeal and affirms her convictions for possession of child pornography. The state charged Edwards… Read more


State v. Ryan D. Wilkie, 2022AP730-CR, 3/11/25, District III (1-judge decision, ineligible for publication); case activity COA rejects Wilkie’s interesting constitutional arguments regarding the authority of law enforcement to enter his home without a warrant and affirms his conviction for obstructing an officer. Police were called to Wilkie’s home after a 911 caller heard what… Read more