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Seventh Circuit cases for April

April was a busy month; we’ve tried to pull out those cases most relevant to our readers: Daniel Madero v. Owen McGuinness, No. 23-2574: This case arises from a lawsuit alleging a false arrest. After a hit-and-run accident, the victim and several witnesses tried to play vigilante and track down the culprit. They violently confronted… Read more


State v. Raymand L. Vannieuwenhoven, 2022AP882-CR, 4/30/24, District III (recommended for publication); case activity In this appeal from a cold case a murder conviction, the court issues a decision recommended for publication holding that law enforcement lawfully seized Vannieuwenhoven’s saliva and thereafter lawfully analyzed the DNA sample created from the saliva. The fact that law… Read more


Brown County v. R.J.M., 2024AP206, 5/7/24, District II (one-judge decision; ineligible for publication); case activity Despite the doctor’s imprecise and generic testimony, COA holds that admission of his report resolves any deficiencies in the record and affirms. This appeal of recommitment and involuntary medication orders presents three common issues, all of which are resolved with… Read more


State v. Cordiaral F. West, 2022AP2196, 5/1/24, District II (recommended for publication); case activity COA interprets a statute allowing aggregation of separate drug offenses into a single charge and holds that West is not entitled to plea withdrawal. An investigation into suspected drug dealing resulted with West being charged with six crimes related to conduct… Read more


Racine County v. P.Z., 2024AP146-FT, 5/1/24, District II (one-judge decision; ineligible for publication); case activity In a relatively straightforward appeal of a recommitment order, COA rejects P.Z.’s sufficiency challenges and affirms. “Paul” challenges the evidence used to obtain this recommitment order, arguing that his dated conduct in 2015 does not prove current dangerousness. (¶12). COA… Read more


We thought our readers might be interested in this in-depth report from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel regarding the issue of obtaining diverse juries in Milwaukee County, with quotes from SPD’s Meera Al-Hanaey as well as Judges Danielle Shelton and Jonathan Richards. Link is here. *Note that a subscription may be required to view this content*… Read more

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OLR v. Roger G. Merry, 2022AP35-D, 4/24/24, per curiam decision of the Wisconsin Supreme Court (in its disciplinary capacity). Although the “true crime” genre remains as big as ever, SCOW reminds lawyers to exercise caution in this area when dealing with one’s own case. The attorney in this disciplinary case represented a client in 2006… Read more

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State v. Luis A. Ramirez, 2022AP959-CR, 4/25/24, District IV (recommended for publication); case activity In a must-read defense win, COA holds that the State’s “cavalier disregard” for Ramirez’s speedy trial rights entitle him to dismissal of the underlying complaint. Be warned: This is a lengthy opinion, the upshot of which is that the extreme delay… Read more