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2001-02 Term

State v. Jimmie Davison, 2002 WI App 109, reversed on other grounds, 2003 WI 89 For Davison: Keith A. Findley, UW Law School Issue/Holding: A guilty plea doesn’t waive a facially valid multiplicity claim. ¶13. The supreme court took review on this threshold issue: “First, does a criminal defendant who pleads guilty to several crimes in a negotiated… Read more


Double Jeopardy – Remedy: Multiplicity

   State v. Jimmie Davison, 2002 WI App 109, reversed on other grounds, 2003 WI 89 For Davison: Keith A. Findley, UW Law School Issue/Holding: Remedy for a multiplicity violation is left to trial court, applying test in State v. Robinson, 2002 WI 9, ¶57, 249 Wis. 2d 553, 638 N.W.2d 564… Read more


Double Jeopardy – Remedy: Multiplicity

State v. Robert S. Robinson, 2002 WI 9, on certification For Robertson: Leonard D. Kachinsky Issue/Holding: ¶2. The question of law raised on appeal is what is the appropriate remedy when an accused is convicted on the basis of a negotiated plea agreement and the counts later are determined to be multiplicitous, violating the accused’s state… Read more


State v. Brian D. Robins, 2002 WI 65, on bypass For Robins: Craig W. Albee Issue: Whether  prosecution for child enticement initiated over the Internet violates the first amendment. Holding: The first amendment doesn’t extend to speech that is incidental to or part of the criminal course of conduct. ¶43. The child enticement statute regulates conduct, not speech… Read more


§ 939.32, Attempt – In General

State v. Brian D. Robins, 2002 WI 65, on bypass For Robins: Craig W. Albee Issue/Holding: ¶37. The crime of attempt is complete when the intent to commit the underlying crime is coupled with sufficient acts to demonstrate the improbability of free will desistance; the actual intervention of an extraneous factor is not a “third element”… Read more


State v. Brian D. Robins, 2002 WI 65, on bypass For Robins: Craig W. Albee Issue: Whether attempted child enticement is a prosecutable offense, where the “child victim” was in fact a government agent posing as a child as part of a government sting operation. Holding: That the “victim” was fictitious is the extraneous factor intervening to make the… Read more


State v. Debra Ann Head, 2002 WI 99, reversing 2000 WI App 275, 240 Wis. 2d 162, 622 N.W.2d 9 For Head: John D. Hyland, Marcus J. Berghan Issue/Holding: ¶103. Based on the plain language of Wis. Stat. § 940.05(2), supported by the legislative history and articulated public policy behind the statute, we conclude that when imperfect self-defense is placed… Read more


State v. Glenn F. Schwebke, 2002 WI 55, affirming 2001 WI App 99, 242 Wis. 2d 585, 627 N.W.2d 213 For Schwebke: Keith A. Findley, UW Law School Issue: Whether private, anonymous mailings to several individuals may support prosecution for disorderly conduct. Holding: ¶26… (T)he plain language of the statute does not specifically require a ‘public’ disturbance. Instead… Read more