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2006-07 Term

State v. Tomas Payano-Roman, 2006 WI 47, reversing 2005 WI App 118 For Payano-Roman: Timothy A. Provis Issue: Whether post-arrest administration of a laxative, in order to recover a substance the arrestee had swallowed was an unreasonable intrusion, such that the result was suppressible. Holding: ¶36      More helpful than border search jurisprudence is Winston v. Lee, 470 U.S. 753… Read more


State v. Michael J. Parent, 2006 WI 132, on certification For Parent: William E. Schmaal, SPD, Madison AppellateAmicus: Meredith J. Ross & William E. Rosales Issue/Holding: ¶30      We reject Parent’s contention that Wis. Stat. § (Rule) 809.32(1)(d) confers an unqualified right for a no-merit appellant to access personally the PSI report. …¶31      But neither are we persuaded by the… Read more


State v. Andrae D. Howell, 2007 WI 75, reversing 2006 WI App 182 For Howell: Ellen Henak, SPD, Milwaukee Appellate Issue/Holding: ¶74      The Bangert and Nelson/Bentley motions, however, are applicable to different factual circumstances. [47] A defendant invokes Bangert when the plea colloquy is defective; a defendant invokes Nelson/Bentley when the defendant alleges that some factor extrinsic to the plea colloquy, like ineffective assistance of counsel or coercion… Read more