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State v. Mitchell D. Green, 2021AP267-CR, petition for review of an unpublished COA opinion granted 6/22/22; reversed, 2023 WI 57 case activity (including briefs) Question presented (from the State’s PFR): Did the circuit court erroneously exercise its discretion when it concluded that there was a manifest necessity for a mistrial after Green introduced unnoticed third-party… Read more


State v. Percy Antione Robinson, 2020AP1728-CR, certification granted 5/18/22; case activity (including briefs); ; remanded  5/10/23 Update: This case was remanded back to COA, without a decision. As the order is not available online, we will do our best to update with more information when or if COA issues its decision. Question presented: The 4th… Read more


State v. Robert K. Nietzold, Sr., 2021AP21-CR, petition for review of an unpublished court of appeals decision granted 4/13/22; case activity (including briefs and PFR) Issue presented (composed by On Point based on the state’s PFR) Was the state’s breach of its plea agreement with Nietzold remedied by the prosecutor’s withdrawal of the erroneous recommendation… Read more


State v. Jeffrey L. Hineman, 2020AP226-CR, petition for review of a per curiam opinion granted 4/13/22; reversed 1/10/23; case activity (including briefs) Issues (from the State’s petition for review) 1. In cases involving credibility contests between a complaining witness (here, S.S.) and the defendant (Hineman), to what extent can a reviewing court reweigh the witnesses’… Read more

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Taylor County Human Services v. L.E., 2021AP1292, 2/15/22, District 3, (1-judge opinion, ineligible for publication); case activity A circuit court extended “Luca’s” commitment, directed that he be placed in a locked ward, and ordered involuntary medication. On appeal, Luca challenges his placement in a locked ward and the involuntary medication order. At a minimum, the… Read more

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State v.  Larry Jackson, 2020AP2119-CR, petition for review of a per curiam opinion granted   1/11/22; case activity (including briefs) Issue (derived from Jackson’s petition for review): When a defendant claims ineffective assistance of counsel based on his trial lawyer’s failure to investigate alibi witnesses, and the State responds that these witnesses have credibility issues, may… Read more


State v. X.S., 2021AP419, review of an unpublished court of appeals opinion, granted 10/18/21, case activity Issues: 1. Whether the court of appeals erroneously exercised its discretion in denying “Xander’s” motion for reconsideration less than 24 hours after it was filed without any explanation? 2. Whether a juvenile who stipulates to the prosecutive merit of… Read more


State & T.A.J. v. Alan S. Johnson, 2019AP664-CR, petition for review of a published court of appeals decision granted 2/26/21; case activity (including briefs) Issues presented (from Johnson’s PFR) Does an alleged victim in a criminal case have standing under the 2020 crime victims’ rights constitutional amendment to submit legal arguments in opposition to the… Read more