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43. Writs (Non-Habeas)

Certiorari — Availability

State ex rel. David C. Myers v. Swenson, 2004 WI App 224 For Myers: Christopher T. Sundberg; Bruce D. Huibregtse Issue/Holding: ¶8 Myers appears to argue that the Wisconsin courts retain the ability to conduct certiorari review of a Wisconsin inmate’s due process or equal protection challenge to a disciplinary action, even if the challenge… Read more


State v. Christopher Swiams, 2004 WI App 217, District 1, 10/19/04 (published); case activity Issue/Holding: ¶8. … The State contends, however, that reconfinement orders may only be reviewed via common-law certiorari and not under Wis. Stat. Rule 809.30. It relies on State v. Bridges, 195 Wis. 2d 254, 536 N.W.2d 153 (Ct. App. 1995) (per… Read more


Supervisory writs generally

State ex rel Ralph A. Kalal v. Circuit Court for Dane County, 2004 WI 58 For Kalal: Waring R. Fincke Issue/Holding: ¶17 A “writ of supervision is not a substitute for an appeal.” State ex rel. Dressler v. Circuit Court for Racine County, 163 Wis. 2d 622, 630, 472 N.W.2d 532 (Ct. App. 1991). The… Read more


Writs – Certiorari – Availability

State ex rel. David C. Myers v. Swenson, 2004 WI App 224, PFR filed 11/24/04 For Myers: Christopher T. Sundberg; Bruce D. Huibregtse Issue/Holding: ¶8. Myers appears to argue that the Wisconsin courts retain the ability to conduct certiorari review of a Wisconsin inmate’s due process or equal protection challenge to a disciplinary action, even… Read more


State v. Christopher Swiams, 2004 WI App 217 For Swiams: Jefren E. Olsen, SPD, Madison Appellate Issue/Holding: ¶8. … The State contends, however, that reconfinement orders may only be reviewed via common-law certiorari and not under Wis. Stat. Rule 809.30. It relies on State v. Bridges, 195 Wis. 2d 254, 536 N.W.2d 153 (Ct. App… Read more


Writs – Supervisory – General

State ex rel Ralph A. Kalal v. Circuit Court for Dane County, 2004 WI 58 For Kalal: Waring R. Fincke Issue/Holding: ¶17 A “writ of supervision is not a substitute for an appeal.” State ex rel. Dressler v. Circuit Court for Racine County, 163 Wis. 2d 622, 630, 472 N.W.2d 532 (Ct. App. 1991). The… Read more


Supervisory Writ — John Doe Proceeding, Review of

State ex rel Unnamed Persons v. State, 2003 WI 30 For Unnamed Persons: Franklyn M. Gimbel, et al. Issue/Holding: ¶48. On balance, we conclude that Wisconsin Constitution, Article VII, Section 5(3), read together with the language in Wis. Stat. § 808.03(2) and in Wis. Stat. § (Rule) 809.51(1) including “other person or body,” is sufficiently… Read more


Mandamus — General

State ex rel Darrell W. Griffin v. Litscher, 2003 WI App 60 Issue/Holding: ¶5. Mandamus is an extraordinary writ which may be used to compel a public officer to perform a duty which he or she is legally bound to perform. Karow v. Milwaukee County Civil Serv. Comm., 82 Wis. 2d 565, 568 n.2, 263… Read more