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Search: summary judgment

Ronald J.R. v. Alexis L.A., 2013 WI App 79; case activity This is an appeal from a partial summary judgment decision finding grounds to terminate Alexis L.A.’s parental rights.  The father, Ronald J.R., sought termination on two grounds and won summary judgment on the first one.  The parties then stipulated that Ronald would withdraw the second… Read more


Racine County v. Latanya D.K., 2013 WI App 28; case activity TPR – Waiver of jury trial need not be part of admission colloquy ¶2        Latanya’s major arguments raise an important question:  Must the court engage in a personal colloquy with a parent regarding his or her waiver of the right to a jury trial before accepting the parent’s… Read more

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seventh circuit decision Habeas Procedure – Appellate Jurisdiction  Where a party has filed a timely notice of appeal to a judgment, and the district court subsequently enters an amended judgment nunc pro tunc (“now for then”) conforming language in the original judgment, an amended notice of appeal isn’t necessary to confer appellate jurisdiction: … The district court’s February… Read more


Judicial Estoppel – Generally

State v. Basil E. Ryan, Jr., 2012 WI 16, reversing 2011 WI App 21; case activity ¶32  We begin by addressing the circuit court’s application of the equitable doctrine of judicial estoppel.  Judicial estoppel is intended “to protect against a litigant playing ‘fast and loose with the courts’ by asserting inconsistent positions” in different legal proceedings. State v… Read more


TPR – Request for Admissions

Dane Co. DHS v. Kevin D., 2011AP2748, District 4, 2/2/12 court of appeals decision (1-judge, not for publication); for Kevin: Steven Zaleski; case activity Kevin’s failure to respond to the County requests for admission, § 804.11(2), led the trial court to deem those requests admitted, and then to grant summary judgment as to grounds based… Read more


In Memory of Judge Terence T. Evans

On Point honors the memory of Judge Evans with tributes from local admirers. At the same time, we are mindful that his graceful, inimitable writings are his greatest legacy, as can quickly be seen from this short sample. Additional tributes will be posted as they come in. This post will be kept at the top of the site… Read more


TPR – Grounds – Impossible Conditions

Dane Co. DHS v. Porfirio O. / Minerva L., 2011AP1247 et al., District 4, 8/11/11 court of appeals decision (not recommended for publication); for Porfirio O.: Dennis Schertz; for Minvera L.: Steven Zaleski; case activity (Porfirio); case activity (Minerva) The parents did not meet their burden of showing factual dispute as to whether their incarceration… Read more


on petition for review of published decision; case activity Issues (provided by court): Can a defendant be found guilty under the forfeiture statutes on the grounds of judicial estoppel where the defendant claims he made no statement to a prior court? Did the undisputed facts on the record establish that if judicial estoppel had not… Read more