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TPR – Partial Summary Judgment

Marathon County Dept. of Social Services v. Lorie O., 2010AP2351, District 3, 12/21/10 court of appeals decision (1-judge, not for publication); for Lorie O.: Leonard D. Kachinsky; case activity Summary judgment may be granted as to grounds for TPR, Steven V. v. Kelley H., 2004 WI 47, ¶6; but where the CHIPS order, on which… Read more


Nathan Y. v. Tarik T., 2010AP992, District IV, 10/7/10 court of appeals decision (1-judge, not for publication); for Tarik T.: Philip J. Brehm The court rejects the argument that under Steven V. v. Kelley H., 2004 WI 47, ¶36, summary judgment is inappropriate when the ground alleged is abandonment. ¶7        …  First, Steven V. explained that… Read more


State v. Walter Allison, Jr., 2010 WI App 103; for Allison: Ellen Henak, SPD, Milwaukee Appellate; BiC; Resp.; Reply Summary judgment in favor of discharge isn’t an available option under § 980.09. ¶18 Applying the principles governing statutory interpretation to Wis. Stat. § 980.09, it is clear that the legislature explicitly prescribed a different procedure from those… Read more


Oneida Co. DSS v. Nicole W., 2007 WI 30, affirming unpublished decision Issue: Whether partial summary judgment against Nicole was properly granted under Wis. Stat. § 48.415(10) (prior involuntary TPR within 3 years) when the prior termination order did not state the explicit § 48.415 ground relied on. Holding: ¶2 We conclude that Wis. Stat… Read more


Dane County DHS v. Mable K., 2013 WI 28, reversing court of appeals summary order; case activity ¶3        We conclude, and the circuit court has acknowledged, that it erroneously exercised its discretion when it entered a default judgment finding that grounds existed to terminate Mable K.’s parental rights after barring her attorney from offering additional… Read more


Oneida Co. DSS v. Nicole W., 2007 WI 30, affirming unpublished decision Issue: Whether partial summary judgment against Nicole was properly granted under Wis. Stat. § 48.415(10) (prior involuntary TPR within 3 years) when the prior termination order was based on her default for failing to personally appear at the fact-finding hearing. Holding: ¶27 We… Read more


State v. Carla L. Oglesby, 2006 WI App 95 For Oglesby: Timothy T. Kay Issue/Holding: The test for statutory construction – whether the language is capable of being understood by reasonably informed persons in different ways – applies to determination of a sentencing court’s intent; where the parties staked out different sentencing positions but the sentencing… Read more


John Sabo v. Megan Erickson, No. 21-3332, 4/30/24 In an interesting § 1983 appeal, Sabo reveals a disturbing trend of miscalculated sentences by the Wisconsin DOC. We know that this is a criminal appeals blog and that a stand-alone post for this § 1983 case is a little off the beaten track compared to our… Read more

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