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Search: “close case”

Paul Rutzinski, 2001 WI 22, affirming unpublished opinion of court of appeals For Rutzinski: Craig A. Mastantuono, Maureen Fitzgerald Issue: Whether an unidentified motorist’s cell phone report of suspicious driving justified a stop. Holding: ¶38 In sum, we hold that the tip in this case provided sufficient justification for an investigative stop of Rutzinski. First… Read more


State v. Richard Dodson, 219 Wis.2d 65, 580 N.W.2d 181 (1998), unpublished decision below For Dodson: Michael J. Backes Issue: Whether an offer of proof must be in question-and-answer form. Holding: ¶15 The court in Milenkovich did not say, and we do not say now, that every offer of proof should be accompanied by a… Read more